Amazon River Expedition, South America Private Luxury Yacht Charter Itinerary
Amazon River Expedition Cruise – 7 Nights
Embark on the voyage of a lifetime, sailing the earth’s mightiest river — the Amazon. The most exclusive river cruiser in the region, the M/V Aqua caters to the most discriminating and adventurous of world travelers, providing an unforgettable journey into areas penetrated by only a privileged few. As your ship docks along river, knowledgeable and experienced naturalists will take you, via skiffs, into remote estuaries in the Peruvian rain forest and the Pacaya Samiria Reserve to spot pink dolphins, sloths, howler monkeys, etc. As you explore these pristine wilderness areas teeming with wildlife, you will also encounter local people living in villages as they have for centuries. And when the day’s sightseeing is over, the comforts of your luxurious floating hotel will await you. .
Amazon cruises bring you into close contact with nature and enhance the probability of spotting animals, yet nothing is guaranteed it is up to mother nature and chance sometimes but with luck and patience anything is possible. To date, few inventories of Pacaya-Samiria’s flora and fauna have been carried out. It is known, however, that the reserve provides critical habitat for the grey and pink river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis, Pteronura brasiliensis), Amazonian manatees (Trichechus inunguis), the black and spectacled caiman (Melanosuchus niger), giant South American Riverturtle (Podecnemis expansa), saddleback tamarin and many monkeys including the spider, capuchin, and squirrel species. A preliminary survey of birds has listed over 350 species, of the eight species of macaw recorded in Peru, five are found in the reserve. This protected area contains 85 lakes which are home to 250 species of fish and the largest variety of flora in Peru, including 847 different species of plants and trees (22 recorded species of orchids)
Amazon River Expedition Cruise – 7 Nights
Saturday: Iquitos – Amazon
Sunday: Amazon River & headwaters
Monday: Marañon River & Pacaya Samiria Reserve
Tuesday: Amazon River & Ucayali River river
Friday: Ucayali River & Amazon River
Saturday: Amazon River & Iquito
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